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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:


Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

This module introduces socialisation into and through physical education and the role of the physical educator. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own socialisation into the role of physical education student and how this, impacts on their understanding of physical education. This module also focuses on issues of social development (e.g., gender, social class, ethnicity, technology use). These topics are examined in light of how they have affected and are currently affecting the teaching of school physical education.


Content Areas: Block 1: Gender and ethnicity as sociological topics affecting teaching and learning in PE Block 2: Identity and personal biography as sociological topics affecting teaching and learning in PE Block 3: Ethnicity and extracurricular PE as sociological topics affecting teaching and learning in PE Block 4: Debates

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: • Examine sociological themes and theories that affect learning experiences in school physical education • Apply sociological themes and theories to current events and issues and where appropriate engage in intelligent and mutually respective debate

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: • Develop an awareness of how personal biographies and viewpoints may influence practice • Model a culture of mutual trust and respect when discussing and engaging with sensitive topics and issues

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: • Demonstrate observation skills in a fieldwork situation • Demonstrate an ability to obtain and reference appropriate academic literature

How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

Pedagogical Approach: The module is be implemented through a blended approach consisting of: 1) A recorded lecture to be released every Monday morning. In the recording, students will find embedded formative questions that will have to be submitted weekly before the tutorial time through Sulis/Assignments. 2) A synchronous tutorial in which students in teams will work on a specific study case related to the weekly content and related 'letter-s' from two related papers. To achieve the module learning intentions, alongside with the recorded lecture and the synchronous tutorial, there are two graded assignments (A and B) and one pass or fail assignment (C). The latest research findings on sociology of physical education and social justice in physical education are used to guide the weekly tutorials. The LCPE specification has been consulted for this module. From this, the module aligns with Strand 2 - Contemporary issues in physical activity, which "aims to develop learners as literate and critical participants in physical activity and sport as they examine the many factors that influence participation and performance in physical activity and sport. Students learn about the personal, social and contextual barriers and supports to physical activity participation and performance generally." (LCPE, 2017, pg. 25). UL Graduate Attributes: knowledgeable, proactive, creative and articulate. This module particularly focuses on creating an environment that supports students becoming Articulate, Responsible, Collaborative, and Proactive. Student as Researcher: In order to be better prepared for the debates and aligned with learning outcome "Demonstrate an ability to obtain and reference appropriate academic literature", students will improve their searching skills, which is essential to promote their research competence.

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Joshua A. Betourne & K. Andrew R. Richards (2015) Using Autobiographical Essays to Encourage Student Reflection on Socialization Experiences , Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 86:2, 34-40
Wheeler, S., Green, K., & Thurston, . (2017) Social class and the emergent organized sporting habits of primary-aged children. , European Physical Education Review, 1-20.
Penney, D. & Harris, J. (1997) Extra-curricular physical education: more of the same for the more able?. , Sport, Education and Society, 2:1, 41-54.
Landi, D., Lynch, S., & Walton-Fisette, J. (2020) The A-Z of Social Justice Physical Education: Part 2. , Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 91(5), 20-27.
Lynch, S., Sutherland, S., & Walton-Fisette, J. (2020) The A-Z of Social Justice Physical Education: Part 1. , Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 91(4), 8-13.
Lynch, S., Walton-Fisette, J. L., & Luguetti, C. (2022) Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport , London: Routledge

Other Relevant Texts:

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:


Semester - Year to be First Offered:


Module Leader: